DDPY Chicago Workshop

As excited as I was, I was also extremely nervous to go to the DDPY Chicago ALL OUT Workshop. After struggling with my neck for over a month, I wasn’t used to doing the workouts as consistently as I was before. But I have to be honest, that was kind of silly to be!

Meeting Diamond Dallas Page was the highlight of my journey. I mean, its the man who changed my entire life! Who inspired me to own it, to be a better mom, to take control of my health, to do any damn thing I want to achieve. It’s because of him that I am making my dreams come true. This man has changed thousands of lives, all because he never let anything tell him NO in life. He knew what he wanted and he never stopped until he got it. He IS the most positively unstoppable person I have ever met. So of course I had a fan girl moment.

I also got to meet a few people who have kept me motivated every day throughout the journey. It is safe to say without the support of our family of a community, I don’t believe I’d still be here on this ride today. Just being surrounded in a room full of people who believe in and love DDPY as much as I do was an emotional experience for me. A lot of the time I say I do DDP Yoga and people scoff “oh YOGA..” They just don’t get it, even when I say “it ain’t your momma’s yoga”. But here, the energy was INSANE. Everyone was pumped up and ready to rock their workout. And it was possibly the coolest thing to experience.

I even brought my friend who had done yoga before, but never DDP Yoga. I’m excited to say that I’ll probably be adding another person to my tribe to share DDPY with now.

Overall, the workshop lit a fire in my soul. I love this program, the people, and everything in between. Next year when I have been doing DDPY for one year, I will be starting the instructor certification training. This is me publicly INKING THAT SHIT DOWN!

Chicago is officially the reigning champion of most attendance of a DDPY Workshop!

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